New platformer wants you to know the environment is screwed
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Even the Ocean (Windows, Mac)
Even the Ocean is a warning. It’s a game that wants to raise awareness of the human impact on the environment and for its players to spread its message. Its fictional world needs to be balanced by light and dark energies, and due to an imbalance brought about by power-hungry politicians, that world is accelerating towards its end. You play a power plant engineer who is tasked with trying to restore the balance and hopefully saving the world. The result is a platformer that lets you skip its challenges and focus on the story if wish, knowing that its message is important, and wanting to reach as many people as possible. The timing of the game’s release couldn’t be better, coming just days after climate scientists declared the polar ice caps were in a state of “emergency,” as well as the results of the American presidential election. Even the Ocean might help you gather your thoughts and priorities in a confusing time.
Perfect for: Naturists, engineers, politicians
Playtime: 4 hours