EVE Online makers ask players to crowdsource MOMA exhibition
As we told you last week, MoMA is adding 14 games to their permanent collection, with a little help from us. CCP Games, the Icelandic company that publishes EVE Online, one of the selections, has asked the game’s players to help them in the creation of the video that explains their beloved space-faring MMORP. GamePolitics reports that CCP went onto EVE community forus and posted the request, partially excerpted here:
“So we call on you. Let‘s make Sunday, December 9th the most interesting day in the history of New Eden and capture it to be archived forever in the nuclear-apocalypse-proof vaults of the MoMA. Our infographics will display market activity, NPC kills, player kills, jumps and all those metrics that explain how vibrant and alive our world is. The player captured gameplay videos will give it a human face. Whatever you are doing that night, whether it is running plexes, hauling ore, hunting with a small gang in losec, or fighting in a large fleet engagement, we ask that you record it, both video and sound and chatter, upload it and allow us to celebrate it in a montage of New Eden awesomeness. Perhaps this is the perfect opportunity to run that massive fleet op you‘ve been planning.”
So gamers – and not just game developers – will actually have their experiences represented in the preeminent museum of modern and contemporary art in the nation, if not the world. Pretty cool.