A game that will keep children indoors for hours, where they belong

The upcoming PS3 game Puppetter looks a little like LittleBigPlanet, with its bright style and paper-like visuals. But the game has more than a little Tim Burton in it. Game director Gavin Moore tells Wired his inspiration for the game:

Basically, I’m making this game for my [eight-year-old] son. I found that [he] was playing games and would get bored very quickly. He’d say, “Oh we’re playing the same thing in the same area again,” then he’d put the controller down and go outside.

It had to be a game that changed all the time, and it had to surprise him. In the theater setting, we’re changing the background all the time — every five or 10 minutes.

Moore insisted that no background ever be reused, giving artists plenty of work. The game is set for release early next year.