Can the San Francisco Giants fight ignorance about game ratings?

What’s the difference between Kirby’s Dream Land and Catherine? ESRB ratings help parents know that not all cartoon-styled games are for children, but who helps parents know about ESRB ratings? For the California Bay Area, the San Francisco Giants will star in public service announcements that will run during their games, educating parents and guardians about the existence of ratings for games. Ryan Vogelsong, the team’s pitcher, explains:
Not every game is right for every kid. The ESRB rating on the game box helps a parent decide which games are appropriate for their children. Being a father I’m proud to help reach other parents with this important message.
With greater knowledge of video game rating systems, parents can choose age-appropriate games for their children, which will in turn be more fun to play. Conversely, teenagers will get that much more guilty pleasure out of playing an M-rated game at a friend’s house.
[via African Business Review] [img]