Google’s Play Issue finds AR games at Disney World.

Google has been making its own trendy, well-designed publication with Think Quarterly. Designed by the Church of London, the current issue, The Play Issue, recalls another, similarly-named issue of a quarterly publication. Their article on Disney’s “Imagineering” shows former LucasArts designer Jonathan Ackley making an alternate reality game for Disneyworld patrons.

The experience begins at the Secret Sorcerers training center on Main Street, where participants are told that a host of Disney villains are threatening to take over the Magic Kingdom. Those brave enough to volunteer their services are given a map of mystic portals and five collectible spell cards before being dispatched on one or more 15- to 25-minute missions that combine statistical roleplay, problem solving, and treasure hunting while exploring the park itself.

Going to a park to play an alternate reality game sounds much more fun than standing in line for a vertigo-enhancer.