Wearable projector lets you broadcast the awful things you text to people right on your body

It’s hard to imagine that taking your phone out of your pocket would ever be considered “too much effort,” but should that happen, there’s a device disguised as a necklace that can project new messages directly onto your hand, or the ground in front of you. While the prototype is actually the size of a backpack, the team hope to get the technology to a point where it can also be used to give directions, and perform other smartphone-related functions.
The system would rely on specific gestures, each of which can be used to perform a different function. Theoretically, anything that requires you to look at a screen could be translated to work on this new device in the future. As Christian Winkler from the University of Ulm in Germany explains, “The projector gives you a window into the virtual world that you carry around like a flashlight, as a way of serendipitously accessing information.”
As reported by the New Scientist, William Coggshall, an analyst based in California is slightly more skeptical, and not just about the power requirements for a portable projector. His concern is that because the human hand “is not a very flat or uniform screen,” it could make a message of any significant length almost impossible to decipher.
Source: NewScientist
This post was originally written by Ross Brooks for PSFK.