Hohokum is wiggling to an August 12 release

Hohokum is wiggling to an August 12 release

Honeyslug’s joy-filled sandbox Hohokum is officially coming August 12th to PS4, PS3, and Vita.

Hohokum captures the manic pop art spirit of the Beatles’ Yellow Submarine cartoon, all rounded shapes, bright colors, and squishy character designs that make you want to invent words like “bloobly.”

Then blend that with the open-ended, exploratory nature of Proteus and Dear Esther. It’s not as weighty as the latter, of course, being a game where you play a snake-like “long mover” that flits about the kaleidoscopic world, picking up friends to—well, explore with.

When Ringo Starr sang “And all our friends are on board/Many more of them live next door,” clearly he was planting the seeds for Hohokum.

The release trailer is below.