Just now getting into the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3? There’s still time.

Our eBay Collections were curated as part of our collaboration with eBay.
Ok so this month could be a wake-up call for you. You’ve just been hanging out for the last, oh, 7 or 8 years, meaning to buy a new videogame console and, well, just plum forgot to do it. Now the new ones are upon you and you don’t know what to do! You’ve missed out on some good, sweet times.
Well, we’re here to help you play some catch-up. Fortunately, there’s tons of classics at your disposal to play and this list includes some must-haves to bring you up to speed. Who needs fancy pants hardware anyway, right? You’re old-school.

Topping the list is The Orange Box, of course. Valve graciously bundled Half-Life 2 and all of its expansions plus Team Fortress 2 for our gaming pleasure. But the hidden gem was a then-experimental title called Portal that changed the way we thought of first-person puzzle solving and introducing the menacing voice of GLaDOS.

Some other classics include the fiery chaos of Far Cry 2 which features, um, real fire, and Red Dead Redemption, which signaled a sea change in Rockstar’s story-telling practice. For those looking for an insane challenge, Dark Souls will scratch the itch and Heavy Rain‘s experiments in interactive narrative were a hallmark of the PS3. We can only hope the Xbox One and PS4 deliver such iconic experiences before all is said and done.