Virtual reality dev continues to melt hearts with My Neighbor Totoro

Virtual reality dev continues to melt hearts with My Neighbor Totoro

The virtual reality developer Red of Paw continues to make virtual reality an altogether more whimsical place, blogging that they will bring the “bus stop” scene from Studio Ghibli’s My Neighbor Totoro to the Oculus Rift next. This is the memorable moment for fans of Japanese anime where the doe-eyed Japanese youth of that film offers the broad-bellied forest mammal a place under her umbrella. Yes, I fully expect it will give me rosy cheeks.

Reinterpreting the works of Hayao Miyazaki in three-dimensional space is becoming something of a tradition for Red of Paw. Last time we heard from them, they were delighting the hearts of Rift dev kit owners by recreating the “boiler room” scene from Spirited Away, complete with the adorable little Japanese supernatural spirits and the old bathhouse operator with a shoe-brush mustache and spider-like arms. Can we dream of a scene from Nauiscaa next?