Our annual Two5six conference is back May 15-17

Our annual Two5six conference is back May 15-17

What are you up to on the weekend of May 15? You know what, don’t tell me—here’s what you’re doing. Tickets are now available for our annual Two5six conference, a yearly event where we celebrate the medium of videogames and explore its intersection with other forms of cultural media. This is the first time the event has been ran for more than one day, so take that as proof that we’ve really blown it up this year. We’d love to have you join us to see for yourself.

Speakers from the world of videogames this year include Kill Screen favorites David O’Reilly (Mountain, The External World), Amy and Ryan Green (designers of That Dragon, Cancer), as well as Kara Stone (Sext Adventure), Willow Mellbratt (Toca Boca), and Torfi Frans Olafsson (EVE Universe).

the Kill Screen Arcade will be back with a host of wild games

The final schedule has yet to be officially announced (stay tuned for updates), but our roster will also include a handful of speakers from other corners of culture. Our mission, as always, is to pair up speakers from within the games industry with those outside of it to see what interesting conversation emerges.

Also at Two5six this year, the Two5six film program explores the question of videogames’ relationship to cinematic narrative. In this one-night event, we’ll be showing three short films that approach the topic from very cool angles.

And last but definitely not least, the Kill Screen Arcade will be back with a host of wild games to dive into. If you get around to playing them all (which will take a while) then you’ll find games that tantalize, delight, and also bring you closer to those you love.

Two5six will take place this year from Friday, May 15 through Sunday, May 17 at Villain (50 North 3rd Street) in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. You can buy tickets here.