Kill Screen – Previously

First person shooter using Google Maps API scrapped by (who else) Google

Sure, we are familiar with the Call of Duty’s of the world where we are given full license to kill people with big guns and enjoy it. But there was something about Dutch company Pool Worldwide’s Google Shoot View that seemed a little…off.

Using an API, the creative agency overlaid a huge hunk of gun with full shooting capabilities onto the Google Maps street level view. While light on actual action, you are free to shoot wherever you please. Ultimately, there is just something very disconcerting about aiming a gun at real people in real environments. 

No matter as Google has already laid down the law on Shoot View, shutting down the API link to the game. In a true Terminator-esque moment, Pool Worldwide has assured, “We will be back.”

– Lyndsey Edelman

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