Is the future of design veering towards gaming?

Rhizome has a really great interview with Paola Antonelli, the MoMa’s Senior Curator in the Department of Architecture and Design on MoMa’s new Talk to Me exhibit. The interview touched on a lot of really great ideas (what can QR Codes be used for besides selling people stuff, anyways?), but the real gem was what Antonelli had to say about interactivity in design:

The message of Talk to Me is that designers today cannot just think of form, function, and meaning. They also have to think of script. Now, as a designer, you really have to think of how those objects are going to interact with people. Of course, this comes naturally to interface and interaction designers, but not as much to product designers or furniture designers-but they all have to learn that this is what’s necessary today.

So maybe art leans a little bit towards interactivity, and maybe gaming is leaning a bit towards exploring the essential truths about humanity along with allowing for pure play, and all of a sudden we might have a Gaming Revolution on our hands.

-Drew Millard
