Kill Screen – Previously

March 27, 2011, 7:58 pm

The connections between jazz and videogames are apparently very deep. There was Andy Baio’s curated Kind of Bloop chiptune take on Miles Davis’ classic Kind of Blue and Koji Kondo, prolific OG Nintendo creator of the Super Mario Bros. theme, talked a lot about the jazz leanings of some of his work.

Some Seattle-area musicians have taken their the tunes in their own hands now with a performance entitled “Jazz Impressions of Classic Video Game Music” 

Boscardin arranged his music project around Koji Kondo’sSuper Mario Brothers 3 game theme. Of the project, the jazz fusion guitarist wrote in his blog: “I had a blast arranging my tune, which was written by the great Koji Kondo. I opted to avoid messing with his music too much and let the insanity of his melodies and counter lines speak for itself.”


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