Navy SEALS punished for participating in Medal of Honor

I doubt this is what EA had in mind when they touted Warfighter as the most versimilar military shooter ever made:
Seven members of the secretive Navy SEAL Team 6, including one involved in the mission to get Osama bin Laden, have been punished for disclosing classified information, senior Navy officials said Thursday.
Four other SEALs are under investigation for similar alleged violations, one official said.
The SEALs are alleged to have divulged classified information to the maker of a video game called “Medal of Honor: Warfighter.”
Each of the seven received a punitive letter of reprimand and a partial forfeiture of pay for two months. Those actions generally hinder a military member’s career.
According to the article, the offending soldiers showed special SEAL equipment to the Warfighter staff. So, somehwere in remotest northwest Pakistan, are members of the Haqqani network hunched over an Xbox, learning the deepest secrets of elite American troops? More likely, methinks, they are bemoaning the absurd gameplay and poor characterizations.