Kill Screen – Previously

The new Miegakure trailer makes Fez look like child’s play

We haven’t heard more than a peep out of the zen-like, dimension-folding Miegakure since it won a bunch of prestigious awards back in 2010. Though not quite as slow as growing a bonsai, this carefully arranged puzzle-platformer by Marc ten Bosch has taken years of patience to cultivate. But, fingers crossed, a release date may be approaching. Maybe. 

In the dreamlike, strange, and wonderful trailer that emerged over the weekend, we get a glimpse of the game in action, and I must say it looks far more metaphysical than any other of those puzzle games that screw with your sense of perception, like Fez or Monument Valley

I can’t even really understand what is transpiring here, but it is nonetheless beautiful and mesmerizing, as Shinto gates and ruddy shrubbery and stone-carved stairwells collapse into nothing and then open into new worlds like mirages on the horizon. 

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