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PKPKT is the mobile game that promotes real-life pickpocketing

Hacking into an innocent bystander’s cell phone and stealing their currency is a criminal activity. It could land you in jail. We are not advocating that. We are, however, in full support of PKPKT, the mobile “in real life” game about standing on a street corner and fishing for “suckers” with open bluetooth connections so you can swindle their virtual bucks. “Since it’s bluetooth, it works on subways, deep in buildings, wherever,” the developer says. 

The trailer shows how it works. 

Though this super-fun-looking game is a lazy man’s pickpocketing, it’s the product of no dishonorable bum. Jeremy Hunt Schoenherr designed and developed it, but he also works on not-so-devious projects such as Groupme, the multiuser mobile chat interface. PKPKT is heading to iPhone in December, so keep an eye out for the game, as well as sketchy figures hanging out in the subway terminal.

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