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The new Nintendo 3DS update includes advances in capturing moving images.

Finally coming into its own as a solid gaming system, Nintendo 3DS has become an item to desire, particularly with a recent update that puts users in the director’s chair. An array of new features transforms the 3DS into a video camera for making 3D movies as well as stop motion films.

Although portable 3D filmmaking is not all that new (or even very good on the wobbly 3DS platform), the very idea that it exists on the 3DS is exciting in the realm of new media, especially now that whole films are being created on iPhones.

Moreover, the cool stop motion feature makes filmmaking even more accessible. With ease, you can now compile separate images that bring to life whatever your heart desires. And who says stop motion is dead anyway?

As celluloid inevitably dies off in the wake of video, new forms of filmmaking will not just democratize filmmaking but make it a default function. So to all you Super Mario 3D Land players out there, you could totally be the next Michael Bay.

-Lyndsey Edelman



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