
A videogame for anyone who’s felt uncomfortable on the dance floor

Team Lazerbeam, the folks behind Snow Cones and Wrestling With Emotions, started their latest game Dress To Express Dancing Success—a dancing and dating simulator—with the intention of creating their least sensible and least complicated game. And they kind of failed. “Before that we’d been on a pretty bad run of jamming, being really excited, getting super carried away, and having only random bits of our game done by the time the jam was over,” Team Lazerbeam’s Ben Rausch told me. “This disturbing trend started with Snow Cones.” Snow Cones took months rather than the allotted days. Wrestling With Emotions took…


Bounden for mobile will get you close, whether you can dance or not

For me to dance requires a good-looking partner and a blood-alcohol-level high above the legal limit. That, or a game that cajoles me to cut a rug by placing my fingers on an iPhone. Bounden, coming to mobile devices in 2014, intends to enlighten wallflowers like me with the rhythmical movement to music.  The game, billed as a “mix of Twister and ballet,” is played by two players, both holding onto the same piece of electronic equipment, who, acting together, tilt the phone in such a way that little orbs on the screen move into a circle. Do this with…