
Learn how to rotoscope with Paint of Persia, a new animation tool

Before motion capture was a thing, there was rotoscoping. Sure, it’s wasn’t quite as entertaining as strapping middle-aged actors into black bodysuits studded with various balls and gizmos, but it was a versatile technique that’s been used in everything from Disney movies to the music video for “Yellow Submarine.” Invented by Max Fleischer and put to use largely in his 1940s Superman serials, the technique involves filming live-action footage and then tracing over it to create animated characters with realistic movement. It was originally a bit of a painstaking process, with artists having to project live-action scenes onto a frozen glass panel…


At last, an Oculus Rift game where you can play Zelda on a crappy old TV

Visiting fantastic virtual worlds. Simulating amazing experiences you’ll never have in real-life. Having out-of-body experiences in cyberspace. Forget all that. What we really want to do in virtual reality is play old games.  And that is exactly what the MemoRift project by Roy Lazarovich allows you to do, creating a small virtual room with an NES and a CRT TV plunked down in front of you. There’s also a true-to-life IBM personal computer from the 80s which emulates old PC games like Prince of Persia.  While the irony of using paradigm-shifting technology for a retro game geek-out is not lost…