
Fulcrum aims to capture the grace and freedom of snowboarding

When FRACT OSC (2014) creator Phosfiend Systems’s Richard Flanagan met up with Ben Swinden at the 2015 Toronto Game Jam, they found serendipitous inspiration in their shared love of snowboarding. The two quickly came up with the idea of an infinite, looping mountainscape, full of “branching pathways, hidden areas, and other secrets”—a low-poly love letter to their favorite sport. The prototype that resulted from the jam was rough, and difficult for many players, but they knew they’d hit on something meaningful. For now, they call it Fulcrum. “Snowboarding has been a big piece of both mine and Richard’s lives. It’s…


This week’s Playlist pick: Alto’s Adventure

Sign up to receive each week’s Playlist e-mail here! Also check out our full, interactive Playlist section. ALTO’S ADVENTURE (iOS)  BY SNOWMAN  As an “extreme sport,” snowboarding is typically afforded coarse adjectives: slicing, shredding, and tearing across the snow. Alto’s Adventure forgoes these gnarly hooks to return the sport to its origins as an elegant ride down nature’s greatest landmarks. You slide down an endless mountain chasing llamas, fleeing your elders, and passing by chilled towns with smoking chimneys, all of it stirred with a Peruvian flavor. Points can be scored and stunts performed, but it’s the heavy orange dusks and moonlit rushes provided by the ever-changing environments and…