
Manifold Garden turns magnificent architecture into an endless playground

William Chyr has changed the name of the videogame he’s been working on for the past two years or so. What was once known as “Relativity” is now known as Manifold Garden. And, blimey, you can see why this new title was chosen upon seeing the latest screens from the game. It really does appear as a space where Chyr has cultivated, not flowers or plants, but engulfing structures that stretch out in every direction, eternally. “The original prototype was based on the M.C. Escher print Relativity and just involved changing gravity to walk on walls,” Chyr explains. “The game is so…


This videogame glitch wants to be an artist too

Over the weekend, Willy Chyr encountered a rare and beautiful demon inside the code for his upcoming spatial puzzler Relativity. Beyond being a mere bug, this unknown corruption has emerged from a new shader Chyr was toying around with while creating a series of conceptual screenshots he deemed the “Rorschach Test Series.” When he accidentally set the camera size too small, Chyr saw that the shader proceeded to warp the virtual architecture of the game into striking serendipitous tableaus on its own accord. It dwarfed his initial experiment. Rather than trying to eliminate the effect, as he presumably would with…


After two long years, the enigmatic spaces of Relativity are locking into place

For Willy Chyr, everything is locking into place all at once. There’s probably a click echoing through the cosmos in his name right now. Don’t listen for it, but know that if it exists, it’s satisfying in the way cracking your joints is, or crunching into that first thick-cut potato chip. For the past two years, Chyr has been working by himself on Relativity; an ornate metropolis of virtual architecture that doubles up as puzzle pieces. Only recently, as little as a few months ago, has it moved beyond being a series of disembodied enigmas and random spaces. Then, after a…