Questioning religion with Walk of Faith

Walk of Faith invokes the classic problem posed to those of faith whereby they are challenged to have their god alter their situation, usually one of mortal peril. (See: all of the Bible, or Matthew 4:3).
This is not much of game. It uses our expectation of interaction and accomplishment in games to play a joke on us. As gamers we expect this goal to be accomplishable, and if you believe the parameters of the game description, it is.
A two player co-op game, to be played by a person and a deity.
Player one must cross the platforms, one of which will always fall unless player two uses their supernatural powers to call the ‘Intervene()’ function in the game’s code.
Games have the ability to impart a narrative wisdom or emotion, but this game uses the very basic concept of our understanding of the typical progression of a game to pull one over on us.
Of course this whole article is pointless if a deity does indeed step in and invoke the “intervene()” function, which is part of the beauty of the proposition. Our concept of games makes this a very plausible and accomplishable tasks as long as we fulfill the requirements asked of us, the second player simply must use “supernatural powers.” It is of course possible for me to get to the other side, Player 2 just hasn’t helped me out yet.