Render Sketch Game is ground zero of low polygon goodness
Josh Larson, Ryan Green, and Ryan Cousins–the fellas behind forthcoming tragedy That Dragon, Cancer–have a lighter project at hand. Two weeks ago, they pioneerd Render Sketch Game, a 3D creation exercise that’s part parlour game, part creation exercise. We at Kill Screen have been fans of the style since our Great Outdoors issue and its cover design by the phenomenal Tim Reynolds. And not to scratch our backs, but we called low poly the new pixel art two years ago. The prophecy is clearly coming to fruition.
The rules for Render Sketch Game are simple. You select a 3D tool of your choice, start with a cube, plane, light and camera, set a ten minute timer, and then create. Voila.
The game is played everyday at 1:30 MST and you can hop on their Google Hangout here.
Josh Larson – “Cloud”
Ryan Cousins – “Ocean Plates”
Ryan Green – “Frame + Symmetry = Frymmetry”