Resident Evil 6 downloadable content to be free, promises greedy corporation

RE6 has locked content on the disc, and people are ANGRY. Capcom is now promising that the content will be unlockable via a free download, but the question is, had this “DLC” not been outed, would they have charged for it? Regardless, the gesture may not do much to help the beleaguered title.
DLC is not without controversy and the fact that some of this content is already on game discs only complicates the matter:
Capcom has come under fire in the recent past for paid on-disc DLC practices for titles including Dragon’s Dogma and Street Fighter X Tekken. In May, the company even went so far as to directly address the growing concern via a post on its official forums. At the time, the company claimed it was re-evaluating the practice for future titles.
The ethical argument over whether paid on-disc DLC is a non-issue or a greedy play to squeeze extra revenue from fans will continue – but for the time being, it looks like Capcom has successfully skirted the issue.