Rhizome’s "Seven on Seven" helps us "reboot" humanity.

Ben Davis’ coverage of Rhizome’s “Seven on Seven” for Artinfo speaks to the connectivity of technology, how it will be remembered, and how we can rekindle our humanity in an era of over-saturated digital influence.

When even the technologists start thinking that technology might be a little too overbearing, something may be up. Then again, not so long ago, Microsoft actually tried to market its Windows Phone with a spot featuring a man fiddling obliviously with his phone in bed as his wife stood abandoned nearby in a silk negligee — if smartphone makers start trying to sell their gadgets by telling you that smartphones are destroying your sex life, a tipping point has definitely been reached.

Videogames are definitely in the mix of this issue. Seven on Seven” even featured a project by Charles Forman (who recently sold OMGPOP to Zynga) and filmmaker Jon Rafman. Davis covers the project but also demonstrates how it connects to larger concerns, ranging from James Bridle’s “New Aesthetic,” to specific moments in digital history like Google glasses or the influence of Steve Jobs.

The article is not about how technology is bad for us. Instead, there is a revelation that the conversations emerging from projects like “Seven on Seven” may be the best and most satisfying structure to evaluate where humanity fits in with technology, rather than letting it consume us.

[via Artinfo]