The robots know what we’re feeling now

A new Glassware App for Google Glass will uncover a person’s emotion, age range and gender just by facial recognition technology.
The app, created by The Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits, can determine features through real time, and superimposes its findings right next to the person being spoken to. Made from Fraunhofer’s Sophisticated High-speed Object Recognition Engine, or SHORE for short, the app is a convenient way to gain a quick overview of your peers while talking with them.

But don’t assume the program was designed just for people who need an improvement on their social skills.
The SHORE app is geared towards those who lack communication skills due to developmental problems. For example, those who suffer from autism can benefit from understanding what type of emotion their peer is expressing through conversation. Though Fraunhofer also notes that the app can be used for marketing and business purposes.
If, however, you are in need of a social skills refresher, creators Lauren McCarthy and Kyle McDonald made a nifty Google+ app called US+, that uses also uses facial recognition and text analysis to help improve negative social behaviors. The SHORE app displays emotions; US+ attempts to change emotions.

The app even gives advice to advance communication, such as being more honest, staying positive or even muting someone for speaking too much.
Facial recognition has always been seen with nervousness, as people tend to prefer privacy over the ability to see a stranger’s age or gender. But these two apps prove sometimes letting a robot know you’re sad can help for a better relationship between fellow humans. Letting the robot lead has proven to increase human productivity and better the ebb and flow of a work space, a partnership, any situation dealing with human communication.
The SHORE app is currently not available for download, but you can try US+ now. May the robots guide us to a more humane future.