See you in 2015, O readers

See you in 2015, O readers

O readers: worry not as this website sits unchanged for the next week or so, and families of squirrels burrow through our kerning to build little squirrel nests. We’re just taking a week or so off to recoup, plan cool stuff for next year, and maybe say hello to our families.

Regular posting will resume on January 2. If you’re looking for something to do, may we suggest catching up on whatever games from our High Scores list (25-16, 15-6, 5-1) you may’ve missed? And if you’re looking for more great writing about videogames, check out our print editions, or follow us on Facebook and Twitter, where we’ll be reposting some of our (and your) favorite articles from 2014.

Until then!


Header image via PacificKlaus