These side-by-side comparison shots of the Windy City next to scenes from Watch Dogs officially confirm that the real-life version of Chicago in fact has better graphics. And after it’s too late to cancel my pre-order! The landmarks and skylines of the massive Midwestern metropolis are captured fai
As far as dimensions go, the 4th dimension is pretty impossible to understand. That’s because you can’t perceive or really even conceive it. But according to Miegakure creator Marc Ten Bosch, his metaphysical puzzler inspired by Japanese gardening allows the 4th dimension to be made real. Over at T
As you can see in this wonderful, foam-swirling installation, one man’s packing peanuts are another man’s art. The piece “36 Ventilators, 4.7m3 Packing Chips,” showing now through July 11 in Switzerland, creates the illusion when viewed from outside that the Art Museum Lugano is awhirl with packing
As this 22-story-tall Frogger clone in São Paulo proves, major metropolitan areas are quickly becoming skyscraper arcades. Street Crosser, a game with a social cause, joins that giant game of Tetris played over Philly a few weeks ago as the two latest examples of god-sized videogames. But this inst