
The Unauthorized and Incomplete Story of the IGF Pirate Kart

What happens when you combine more than 100 renegade game developers, 300 off-the-cuff games they made, and a mock failed submission to the Independent Games Festival? Filipe Salgado brings us into the sporadic and rebellious world of the 2012 IGF Pirate Kart to talk with some of the minds behind th

Shining in the Darkness

Jason Johnson looks into the world of audio games—videogames designed for the visually impaired—and finds a medium racing to catch up with modern times. If the zombie first-person shooter Swamp is any indication, games for the blind may herald an unforeseen future for videogames and technology.

The Vita’s Identity Question

With apps, games, multimedia, multitasking, and online functionality galore, Sony’s newly released PlayStation Vita wants to be everything to everyone. Ryan Kuo argues that it is definitely one thing for one person: the hardcore gamer, whatever that looks like.

Drake’s Big Shot

What Would Drake Do if he were a famous fake basketball player and not just a sad rapper? Drew Millard gets inside his head and finds out (surprise: Drake is not happy).

First and Tendencies

We talk to Rogers Redding, the man responsible for balancing the rules of NCAA football. What can one of our most beloved—but complicated and particular—sports tell us about the pursuit of meaning through limitations, success and defeat?