
What Do You Call It?

Gaming’s biggest hurdle may be to reach outward—beyond the masses, to the upper echelons of culture. Lana Polansky attended the Montreal International Game Summit 2011 and came back inspired, if not brimming with answers.

Who Rules the Rules?

Kirk Battle uses the law to explain why handing a game’s rules over to the computer fundamentally changes its nature—in this case, collectible-card game Magic: The Gathering.

Point and Shoot

Developer Morgan Jaffit on retooling the first-person shooter in the new demo of Warco, a game that gives you a camera instead of a gun.

Piranha Kid

A local Peruvian champ tries to rise to global prestige in Street Fighter IV. In doing so he’s forced to rethink where he is from. Luis Wong tells the story.

Killing the Turtle

We talk to Jennifer Estaris, a designer of alternate reality games and children’s games, about trying to retrieve a sense of childhood and what she learned from Nickoledeon.