Fight Club belongs to that set of movies that successfully established Brad Pitt as a nutcase, along with Se7en and 12 Monkeys, that you saw and liked in high school, but never returned to because you a.) no longer trust your high school tastes b.) already know the twist ending c.) Brad Pitt is not
There is a certain school of thought that says that coding is a world of beauty. The trouble is, it’s largely an invisible world; i.e. you have to know programming language in order to appreciate it. It’s not like the average person is going to look at a page of HTML and be blown away. But after see
Teletext the World is a photo-editing website and tool that can transform any photo into primary, abrasive teletext imagery. It kinda looks like an Anna Anthropy game. But what’s a teletext anyway? A brief history lesson: teletext predated the World Wide Web by transmitting info like news and weath
The cube gets no respect. Well, until now. YouTube video producers The Hamster Alliance have edited together this wonderful montage of various videogames that feature the versatile cube. From Mario’s question block to the collapsing florescent walls of Super Hexagon, our four-sided friend has played