
Mushroom 11’s new trailer demonstrates growth through destruction

It’s amazing how far Mushroom 11 has come from its original 2012 prototype. The theme of that year’s Global Game Jam was an image of the Ouroboros, a serpent eating its own tail. Creators Itay Keren and Julia Keren-Detar took this concept of cyclicality and gave it new life in Mushroom 11, which put

The King’s Bird looks like one of the most graceful platformers yet

The feeling of movement is arguably the most important thing in a platformer. Super Meat Boy’s outrageous complexity might not be as engaging if its hero weren’t so smoothly controlled, and Thomas Was Alone was granted mounds more character by the sheer perfection of its jump button alone. “a strong

MANOS: The Hands of Fate-The movie-based game we never knew we needed

Generally speaking, videogame adaptations of movies have got to be the lowest tier in the hierarchy of bad videogames. Whether we’re talking about Austin Powers Pinball, the infamous E.T. the Extraterrestrial on Atari or 2011’s Smurf Dance Party (which featured such musical gems as “Who Let the Smur