Jasper Byrne’s horror opus Lone Survivor is set in the aftermath of a world-ending virus. We talked to Byrne about how he made the game’s rotten food a scourge, and a self-portrait.
One of the most prolific developers in the burgeoning indie game scene, Stephen Lavelle recently released his first large-scale game production with English Country Tune. Filipe Salgado catches up with the recuperating developer about the transition from small to large games, the difference between
What does it mean be a rock star? We sit down with Matt Boch, who tells us about designing controls for Rock Band sequels and other interactive projects as a musician and how a rock song compares to a sandwich.
We talk to Matt Thorson, creator of platformers Jumper and Give Up, Robot, about minimalism, why creativity is like a machine, and finding an unintended homage in Super Meat Boy.