
How do cats see the world? This bewildering psychoscape has a rough idea

This cat is out of place. But maybe all cats are out of place. The one in Psychic Cat is probably no more suited to its environment than, say, my cat Smudge who fell through the roof of the greenhouse last year. The temptation was to call Smudge a klutz at the time (and let’s be fair, Smudge, you ar

Download an artist’s psychedelic trip by stepping into Ixian Gate

With the invention of the internet and smartphones, many people now have the ability to pull a knowledge box out of their pocket and look at almost any great work of art at a moment’s notice. Remarkably convenient as this is, there’s still something to be said for going to a museum in person.  When

Muse answers the question: What if John Lennon helped create Earthbound?

Announced at Kyoto’s Bitsummit 2015, Muse: Together is the New Alone is the latest from Pixeljunk Eden art/music director Baiyon. Developed and published by Pygmy Studio, Muse seeks to take players out of this world with its own unique spin on an unrequited love story. Muse takes notes from Zelda II

Tune into this psychedelic wonderland and never want to leave

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