Here’s some good news. Dragon Age’s much-decried sex scenes will no longer be bizarre simulacra where you gift someone to get them to screw you. According to this interview with the game’s producer Cameron Lee, Dragon Age: Inquisition, coming this October, will add a lot more nuance in the way char
It seems Russia is not the only regime making moralistic demands on videogames that seem outrageous to our modern Western lifestyles. According to the gaijin-centric Rocket News 24, China too is getting in on the censorship train, issuing statements to Japanese developers saying that characters wear
One question more than any other will define the course of modern society: Would a sensible human being shag a robot? You know, possibly like this one. Well, 25 percent of people across the pond in the UK would. It turns out that one in four survey-takers wouldn’t mind have sex with a human-like ma