virtual reality

These new GNOG screens are so beautiful they’ll swallow you whole

If you’re still anxiously awaiting the hungry jaws of the big monster heads in GNOG, you’ll have to keep waiting until its 2016 release date. But, in the meantime, feel free to get swallowed up by the latest screens released by Ko-Op Mode. The screens highlight GNOG‘s polished yet playful art style,

Might and Delight’s latest trailer for Child Cooper is a feast for your eyes

“In a lot of ways, you could call us an art collective,” says Vic Bassey, COO of Might and Delight, the creators of the naturalistic game series Shelter. “We’re a small team of extremely creative thinkers and doers with an appreciation of the arts. Be it literature, music or more contemporary forms

What’s going on over at The Chinese Room?

A lot is going on at The Chinese Room at the moment. Perhaps not as much as before Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture was released, or necessarily more than any other studio out there, but what is going on is being documented in surprisingly personal and honest blogs. This is going to start off grim an