virtual reality

If you get anxious about karaoke just wait until you play Stage Presence

Stage Presence is karaoke with less musicality and more social anxiety, and really, what’s not to like about that? You play as the frontman of a band. You’re on stage at a large festival—think Glastonbury, but without the ambient fug—when something goes wrong. Who knows what went wrong. This is the

Videogame generates worlds based on your webcam, horror ensues

We drive into the future using only our rearview mirror. — Marshall McLuhan Ian MacLarty’s Reflections inspired one of those “whoa the future is here” moments in me. I remember years ago, I felt like I was in the goddamn Jetsons the first time I ever Skyped with a person half way across the world. I

Whateverland brings explorable art to personal VR

Designers at Lucid Trips have announced Whateverland, a game world that is also a virtual reality art gallery, allowing players to explore on personal VR devices. Players will be able to propel themselves as a pair of dissociated arms through a colorful “Dreamplanet” and interact with pieces that ca