virtual reality

Dance offs in virtual reality are going to change your life

If clubbing in virtual reality turns out to be anything like this insane dance party demo, tearing the club up in, say, whatever the VR equivalent to Second Life is will be a consciousness-altering nexus of pulsing wavelengths and florescent tracers—no party favors necessary.  As you can see in the

Oculus Rift + Kinect + Wii Balance Board = hoverboard ride of your dreams

Just when you thought your childhood dream of hoverboarding would never materialize … Enter: project Hoverboard VR, a virtual reality setup that simulates those bodacious fictional levitating skateboards of the ’90s. Jiggered together from gaming peripherals that don’t get out much these days, the s

A VR treadmill that (potentially) doesn’t want to kill you

In the increasingly crowded market for home omni-directional treadmills, there is one that doesn’t look like a form of mind-washing reconditioning at a terrorist training camp. Recently on display at the Silicon Valley Virtual Reality Expo, the Infinadeck is a frameless, treaded walking machine that