virtual reality

At last, an Oculus Rift game where you can play Zelda on a crappy old TV

Visiting fantastic virtual worlds. Simulating amazing experiences you’ll never have in real-life. Having out-of-body experiences in cyberspace. Forget all that. What we really want to do in virtual reality is play old games.  And that is exactly what the MemoRift project by Roy Lazarovich allows you

Jeff Minter games in virtual reality sound life-changing

The prospect of Jeff Minter making a game for Oculus Rift is pretty terrifying, especially when said game is Minotaur Rescue, a psychotic swirl of ZX81 graphics and random goat blurts. Personally, I love the game; it remains one of my favorites on iOS, and that’s saying a lot. But I say terrifying b

Relive the Virtual Boy in its original retina-burning glory on Oculus Rift

Yeah, yeah. The Oculus Rift has the capacity to radically reshape the way we experience games and all. But what I’m really stoked about is using it to finally replay twenty-year-old Virtual Boy games as they were intended. That dream is coming true thanks to the VBjin-OVR Virtual Boy Emulator for th