virtual reality

The Cyberith Virtualizer joins race for most outrageous VR treadmill

Like the Omni before it, the Cyberith Virtualizer is yet another omnidirectional treadmill that lets you run awkwardly in place on a piece of bulky machinery while imagining you’re a badass in virtual reality. However, this one boasts a more ergonomic design that allows you to duck, kneel, and squat

Sony’s augmented reality tech is getting scarily realistic

Although Sony is betting big on VR, the engineers at Sony Japan, who apparently wear white lab coats, continue to chisel away at perfecting that other reality: augment reality. Since the days of the EyeToy, the giant tech corporation has been continuously improving their camera software that lets yo

Shark Tank investor decides to bite on VR treadmill after all (sorry)

Things didn’t go so hot for the creator of Virtuix Omni when he appeared on “Shark Tank,” a reality show on ABC with an ensemble of filthy rich hosts known for chewing up and spitting out young optimistic entrepreneurs like expired caviar. But one of the rich guys, millionaire investor Mark Cuban, w