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Kill Screen Versions The Meta

Faker streams on Twitch, instantly breaks viewing record

Faker streams on Twitch, instantly breaks viewing record

Image via Twitch

It’s no secret that Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok is the best League of Legends player to ever grace the game; now, though, it seems like he might also be the most popular streamer on the internet, too. In his inaugural Twitch stream, Faker broke viewing records for concurrent viewers on an individual’s personal channel: 245,100 people tuned in to watch him play.

While Faker has streamed plenty of times before, previously for rival streaming service Azubu, it might take him some time to get comfortable with Twitch. “I’m not nervous, but everything’s kind of awkward,” he said at one point, which was translated for English-speaking viewers. “For now, I’m just going to focus on the game.”

But while Faker is adjusting to his new streaming home, he’s breezing through the highest levels of competitive play elsewhere. In the LCK, Faker and the rest of SK Telecom are still undefeated, unmatched and pretty much entirely unchallenged. During their most recent game, which was against MVP, Faker beat his lane opponent Joon-hyung “Ian” Ahn so badly that by the end of the game, he led the other mid laner by over a hundred minion kills.

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