Videogame art is "art," says artist

Videogames have come a long way in the past 30 years—from Pong to Call of Duty—and the level of detail has reached a whole new level in modern videogames. However, for his artist-in-residence stint at online gallery Manifesto-ish, artist Jon Gourley chose to curate some of the lesser recognized details in video games—the art hanging on the walls.
Gourley has gone through varied videogames from old school highly pixelated games like the Sega game Bonanza Bros to the intricate detailed world of Final Fantasy 8. The result is an array of artwork that often goes unnoticed. On Manifesto-ish, it explains:
In their original context, these “works” function as proxies, or simulations, of art. By recontextualizing these simulations into a virtual gallery, VGAM will playfully refocus attention onto the works themselves, explore the intersection of art and simulation, and satirize recent institutional forays into the subject of video games and art.
Gourley posts a new artworks each day for the duration of his residency, which finishes up at the end of the month.
Source: AV Club
This post was originally written by Daniela Walker for PSFK.