Want to intern for Kill Screen? Applications due September 15.

Want to intern for Kill Screen? Applications due September 15.

If you love videogames but balk at the word “gamer,” this is the internship for you. If you don’t love videogames but are a tenacious writer and reporter, interested in interrogating the intersection of technology, art, and culture, this is the internship for you. If you consider yourself a “gamer,” well, that’s cool—but that has nothing to do with interning at Kill Screen.

This is a position meant to train young writers on how a day-to-day editorial operation works. You’ll work alongside and learn from writers (from Kill Screen, as well as various national, non-game publications) on reporting, blogging, feature writing, and criticism. And you’ll get to practice everything you learn in real-time. (All of the related articles below were written by interns during their term with us.)

Along the way, you’ll learn what Kill Screen does. We have a specific point of view on games, and we’d like to find bright, passionate, dedicated young folks who love games, but more importantly love art, literature, music, film, television, architecture, and theater, and can spot the common ground they share with games. A passion for the world outside of games is more important to us than a passion for what’s going on inside videogames.

More details can be found here.