Watch in total revulsion as a female robot grind-dances

Watch in total revulsion as a female robot grind-dances

Yes, it sounded hypothetically cool when we read about it in cyberpunk pulps, but it turns out that android go-go dancers are terrifying as hell. Take this rump-shaking atrocity, a life-size animatronic woman that is smeared in dirt, wears a thong and a bird mask, and might be modeled after Lady Gaga. At least her dance moves are up to snuff.

She is the handiwork of artist Jordan Wolfson, who programmed her to make eye contact with potential mates and not let go. She will seriously stare you down, her eyes hollow with robotic passion, as you move across the room. But should you get any ideas, just be wary of pinch-points. As for now, she isn’t tearing the club up, but safely on display at Zwirner Gallery on 533 West 19th Street in New York, now through April 19.