Weekend Reading: Disagree to Disagree

While we at Kill Screen love to bring you our own crop of game critique and perspective, there are many articles on games, technology, and art around the web that are worth reading and sharing. So that is why this weekly reading list exists, bringing light to some of the articles that have captured our attention, and should also capture yours.
One Nation Divisible, Bloomberg
To put things patronizingly lightly, the upcoming US election is a little contentious. Rollercoaster polls and sewer rhetoric doesn’t exactly enlighten us to understand how things arrived here. In a grand meta-feature, Bloomberg has put together a dazzling cornucopia of insights, ranging from the employment of the elderly, counterculture on both sides of the fence, where refugees feel safe, and how a viciously divided America can still unite behind Drake.
Typecast as a terrorist, Riz Ahmed, The Guardian
There’s not a lot of silver linings for Muslims in the Western world since 9/11 redefined, for many, what it means to be a terrorist. Or look like one. Even for Riz Ahmed, who was cast in Four Lions (2010) off of a novelty song about his appearance, and went on to star in The Reluctant Fundamentalist (2012), Nightcrawler (2014), and the upcoming Star Wars film, he wishes that the look that’s netted him so many roles related to terrorism was only seen on the silver screen.

Image: 2008 Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony, by Tim Hipps
A considerable amount of our greatest living minds believe that we’re living in a computer simulation. Which is disappointing. Because if we are living in a simulation then why isn’t it half as exciting as Marvel vs Capcom 3 (2011)? Responding specifically to Elon Musk, Phil Torres examines the ethics of unknowingly living out the plot of ReBoot (2001).
The Design of Parliaments Has a Funkadelic Impact on Politics, Margaret Rhodes, WIRED
Parliament decides on how their country changes, but who decides where they sit? Margaret Rhodes looks at the architecture of decision making, and how that alone can sway the swayers.