Weekend Reading: This Is Not My Repugnant House, But That Is My Messy Life

Weekend Reading: This Is Not My Repugnant House, But That Is My Messy Life

While we at Kill Screen love to bring you our own crop of game critique and perspective, there are many articles on games, technology, and art around the web that are worth reading and sharing. So that is why this weekly reading list exists, bringing light to some of the articles that have captured our attention, and should also capture yours.


McMansions 101: What Makes a McMansion Bad Architecture?, Worst of McMansions

Wish you had better ground to criticize McMansion houses beyond them being the thematic villain of Poltergeist and the assumptions that its inhabitants only listen to EZ rock? Well, your sorrows are over, as over on Worst of McMansions, whose whole thing is ripping these carbon copy abodes apart, there is a detailed breakdown of the architectural offences of of these estates.

We get to feel small, but not out of place at all: How the endless quest for a Canadian identity elevated The Tragically Hip, Calum Marsh, The National Post

After Gord Downie announced that his terminal brain cancer in the spring, The Tragically Hip, Canada’s manifest rock band, scheduled their final tour. Cataloging their long stride across the country, Calum Marsh (a Kill Screen contributor) wonders at what point this feverous shared moment becomes a funeral.


Photo by Cait Oppermann

Joanne The Scammer Lives For Drama. Brandon Miller Is Just Trying To Live., Patrick D. McDermott, Fader

Joanne The Scammer was born in 2015, a character who loves to steal, lie and, especially, scam her way online with a loud, glamor stride. Brandon Miller, the man under Joanne’s blonde bob, is 25, resides in Daytona Beach and easily lives a more humble life than his alter ego. Patrick D. McDermott profiles Miller to find out how you go about when your drag persona becomes a phenomenon.

Walmart’s Out-of-Control Crime Problem Is Driving Police Crazy, Shannon Pettypiece and David Voreacos, Bloomberg

Walmart has a crime problem. Not just shoplifting, according to reports an average of one violent crime occurs a day in one of the mega-retailer’s locations in America. In an extensive report, Shannon Pettypiece and David Voreacos discover what corporate decisions have led to the chain becoming a magnet for criminal activity, and the people who are forced to deal with it.