Xbox player found the man who stole his account

After Eric Graff’s Xbox account was stolen, he found the thief trying to sell it at Forum Korner. He confronted the thief and called Xbox customer support, and he still doesn’t have his account back. Jason Schreier at Kotaku reports:
Eventually a ForumKorner moderator closed the thread and banned InsaneYo from the forum. Graff says a moderator also sent him a private message saying “Don’t tell Microsoft please.”
“Yea buddy, I’ll keep your secret safe,” Graff snarked later in an e-mail to me.
But Graff still haven’t gotten his account back, even after furiously calling and e-mailing Microsoft representatives several times to share his story. He says he has no ill will for the Xbox makers; he just wishes their security process was more transparent.
“Sure this whole experience has sucked, Graff said, “but I hope that sharing this story will make more people and Microsoft aware of all the stuff that is going on at ForumKorner and other sites like it and get it shut down.”