Very cool news: The system, developed by a team led by Lotfi Merabet of Harvard Medical School and Jaime Sánchez of the University of Chile, is called the Audiobased Environment Simulator and uses only audio-based cues to allow blind users to learn about the layout of a previously unfamiliar buildin
Why has game music lagged behind other aspects of presentation so much? This the central question of a wonderful deep dive on Gamasutra about the state of cinematic scoring in games. The money graf: As we dip into the uncanny valley and emerge on the other side at nearly photo-realistic visuals, it’
There is a new Far Cry game, and today a new Far Cry trailer, which predictably asks us to consider how much violence we would be willing to commit in order to do… something. This is the latest in a series of games that have become a type: the game that asks players to consider their implication in