How much strain does online gaming put on the Internet? 23 Jun 2014 5 min read Article The answer might surprise you.
Rain and the rise of the "precious indie game" sub-genre 09 Oct 2013 4 min read Review Oscar bait comes to videogames.
Racial supremacy? Economic oppression? BioShock Infinite’s Ken Levine digs into America’s seedy past 26 Mar 2013 8 min read Interview Why do we accept floating cities, but never singing maidens?
BioShock Infinite creator Ken Levine talks Occupy Wall Street and how his game almost wasn’t 25 Mar 2013 6 min read Interview We chat with an exhausted Ken Levine just before the launch of the third installment of BioShock.
Tomb Raider writer Rhianna Pratchett on why every kill can’t be the first and why she hoped to make Lara Croft gay 20 Mar 2013 13 min read Interview In the second part of our conversation, the Tomb Raider penner walks us through the treacherous jungle of gender politics, reflects on whether we’re ready for “braver” characters, and postulates on Lara Croft’s other selves.