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Playlist 8/14: Pivvot challenges, MirrorMoon celestially enchants, and Electric Super Joy goes hardcore

Pivvot (iOS)

by Whitaker Trebella 

The best games are often the simplest. Get lucky and their titles reflect exactly what happens: Hide & SeekKick the Can. Add Pivvot to the list. Drop that extra ‘v’ and you have the entire game: An exercise in avoiding obstacles along a circuitous track as you pivot a ball, tied to the rail, back and forth. It sounds confusing until you have a first go. Your hundredth go will be five minutes later.

Perfect for: Geometry teachers, Super Hexagon addicts, Spelling Bee drop-outs.

Time to play: a couple minutes. Or several hours.

MirrorMoon EP (Windows, Mac)

by Santa Ragione

Supposedly, there was a meteor shower the past few nights, but we didn’t see jack. So we folded up our lawn chairs, unplugged the bug zapper, came in, and played MirrorMoon all night. It’s a glorious puzzle game about rotating heavenly spheres, and the surefire way to discover the mysteries of space.

Perfect for: orrery ovulation, designer spaceship paneling, galavanting Galileos.

Time to play: a good while (read: it’s tough!)

Electronic Super Joy (PC, Mac, Linux via Steam)

by Michael Todd Games

Electronic Super Joy is a high-concept lover’s dream. “It’s Super Meat Boymeets Limbo!” “Take one partVVVVVV, two parts N+, and blend it with the soundtrack to Rez!” Sometimes you don’t need a new idea; you just need to take all the best ones and shake ’em together. Like our favorite cocktails, the mix matters. Good thingESJ chose top-shelf ingredients.

Perfect for: Rave attendees circa 1994, Ghosts ‘n Goblins players circa 1985, indie snobs circa 2011.

Time to play: 8+ hours.

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